domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

Meu Chamado - My Called

Países e pessoas sempre são marcados por grandes acontecimentos. Eu também experimentei uma grande mudança quando conheci Jesus Cristo. Membro da Assembléia de Deus na Penha desde 1996. Atualmente Diácono, congregando no Centro Evangelístico da Avenida Meriti. Mestrando em Ministérios Globais, Pós-Graduado em Engenharia Econômica e Administração Industrial pela UFRJ, formado em Administração, Contabilista, Lecionei matemática financeira e economia, fui 3º Sargento de Infantaria do Exército, trabalhava na gerência administrativa e financeira de uma grande empresa e costumava evangelizar com o grupo da igreja. Conheci a Cruzada Estudantil e Profissional para Cristo (CEPC) no ano de 1998, participei de vários treinamentos de evangelismo pessoal, projetos de ação social e o CTVN (Centro de Treinamento Vida Nova), onde fiz a maravilhosa descoberta do plano de Deus para a minha vida. Durante o trabalho era extremamente difícil falar do amor de Deus para as pessoas. Vi a necessidade que as pessoas tinham de Cristo, principalmente os executivos que trabalhavam ao meu redor. O número de cristãos preparados para compartilhar o evangelho de Cristo com as pessoas da classe alta, médias alta, profissionais, executivos e universitários é relativamente pequeno. Dentro de mim as coisas começaram a mudar. Os meus objetivos de vida deixaram de ser temporais e passaram a ser eternos. Fui confrontado várias vezes para ser missionário e recuava porque tinha medo de agir precipitadamente. Hoje tenho plena convicção do meu chamado, respondê-lo foi a melhor e mais importante decisão que tomei, após conhecer Cristo, porque isso mudou a minha vida. Deus colocou no meu coração o desejo de servi-lo de tempo integral. Em maio de 2001, assumi o compromisso de obedecer a Deus e me apresentei a Ele, diante de muitas testemunhas. Deixei o que fazia e decidi me juntar à organização para participar mais ativamente do cumprimento da Grande Comissão implantando e desenvolvendo o ministério na Região Sudeste. Pois o estilo e a seriedade da CEPC em cumprir a Grande Comissão chamou-me muito à atenção.
Nesse mesmo ano disse “sim” a esse grande desafio.

Pierre C. Ribeiro
MissionárioTransformando Estudantes Perdidos em Trabalhadores Cristocêntricos

A BIG CALLAs the world is affected by great events, I also have been affected by the great change that Jesus Christ caused when I invited him into my life. Then, the most exciting adventure of my life started.Let me tell you a little about myself: I was born and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I studied administration and I knew Campus Crusade For Christ in 1998. I worked for a company and for three years I have been involved with Priority Associates, a professional ministry of Campus Crusade. One day Lord said to me through his word: My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense." (2 Chronicles 29:11). I didn't think I wanted to do this, but the Lord changed my heart and gave me a great desire to reach others with the message of the Gospel. So I obeyed the Lord and began working full-time with the Campus Ministry. As a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ, serving the Lord with university students, I have the opportunity to fulfill the call that God has placed in my life to serve in full-time vocational ministry. Now I enjoy working with students who desire to know more about Christ and building them up in their faith. My main focus is UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), the largest university of Brazil. There are many campuses in UFRJ. I enthusiastically became involved with small group Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship. I heard God calling me to give my life in service to Him through vocational ministry. Now, I am working with others 5 CCC' staff members for reaching the UFRJ for Christ.Working with studentsUniversity students are one of Brazil's three largest least-reached people groups (others: Asians and professionals). Because of this and the fact that students are the future leaders of our nation, I have the opportunity to, by reaching a small-but-powerful portion of Brazil, impact all of our society as I make Christ an issue among them. Moreover, the graduates are a barn in potential to be sent as missionaries for reaching the window 10/40, entering in the countries as professionals.As Dr. Charles Malik, an unbeliever, former president of the United Nations has said:"The university is the lever with which you can move the world... with more power than an other means. Changing the university will change the world."How can you help?Although I am involved in God's work on campus, I cannot do it alone. I need others to be my partners in this ministry each month in their prayers and finances so that I can invest myself full time in this vital ministry.I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with me in this way here in Brazil. You can invest your finances and your prayers, as well as giving others the opportunity to be involved with a ministry among Brazil's future leaders. Will you pray about how God may want you to be involved?If God does lead you to join my team, let me explain how to get started. Send me an e-mail and I will show you how to get your gift to me.
God Bless you!

Pierre C. Ribeiro
Helping to Fulfil the Great Comission

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